Real Time Seismology Service (RTS-CRS)
The Real Time Seismology Service (RTS-CRS) monitors seismicity in North-eastern Italy, with seismic alert purposes for the Civil Protection of the Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto Regions.
For seismic events that may be significant for the population, an alert message is automatically sent, within 2-5 minutes from the event, to the competent authorities (via fax, email and sms).
All seismic events, automatically located and subsequently reviewed by the operator, are published in real time on the RTS website.
Event notifications are also published on the institutional social channels Facebook and Twitter.

Real Time Seismology (RTS-CRS)
Facebook Page Center for
Seismological Research
Twitter Center for
Seismological Research
Archive System of Instrumental Seismology (OASIS)
Network of Italian Surface-Borehole Accelerometers and Seismometers (NISBAS)
Friuli Regional Deformation Network (FReDNet)
Archive System of Instrumental Seismology (OASIS)
The Centre for Seismological Research manages the IT infrastructure for archiving, consultation and distribution of instrumental seismic data (OASIS) that organizes, stores and provides access to data acquired by OGS seismic networks, whether permanent or temporary.
Network of Italian Surface-Borehole Accelerometers and Seismometers (NISBAS)
The Centre for Seismological Research manages the IT infrastructure for archiving, consultation and distribution of NISBAS instrumental seismological data related to stations equipped with in-well and surface sensors.
FReDNet Data Center (FReDNet DC)
The FReDNet Data Center serves as a repository and distribution hub for geodetic information collected by the FReDNet GNSS network stations. It contains raw recordings (RAW), RINEX data and processed results, such as time series, velocities and daily skyplots of the stations.
The website allows free access to the network recordings.
Geodetic Linking Advanced Software System (GLASS) Node
In the framework of the activities programme declared in the Joint Research Unit (JRU) EPOS-Italy, OGS has installed and configured a Geodetic Linking Advanced Software System (GLASS) node for the federated distribution of GNSS data. OGS is responsible for the management of the European GLASS CEGNxEPOS node, with the aim of distributing data from the geodetic network FReDNet and other networks in the North-East of Italy (Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto), as well as from neighbouring countries (Austria and Slovenia), in support of the European EPOS infrastructure. Currently, the OGS GLASS node is fully operational and accessible at the link:
Real Time Seismology (RTS-CRS)
Facebook Page Center for
Seismological Research
Twitter Center for
Seismological Research
Archive System of Instrumental Seismology (OASIS)
Network of Italian Surface-Borehole Accelerometers and Seismometers (NISBAS)
Friuli Regional Deformation Network (FReDNet)