The Geology and Marine Geophysics research group carries out combined geophysical and geological research, both onshore and offshore, with a particular focus on marine environments from the coastline to deep oceanic basins, especially in the Mediterranean Sea and in the polar regions.
The Geology and Marine Geophysics research group carries out combined geophysical and geological research, both onshore and offshore, with a particular focus on marine environments from the coastline to deep oceanic basins, especially in the Mediterranean Sea and in the polar regions.
Our research addresses major societal and environmental issues, in line with the EU Marine Strategy and UN Ocean Decade policies. We focus on long-term processes and effects of climate change, evaluating marine hazards, and facilitating a sustainable use of subsurface and seafloor resources. We contribute to research into Carbon Capture Utilization & Storage, Hydrogen storage and geothermal systems relevant to the EU Green Deal and NetZero emissions roadmap.
We undertake long-term geological and geophysical mapping and monitoring activities, both onshore and offshore in Italy and along the adjacent continental margins to underpin research efforts focused on basin analysis, paleoclimate, natural resources and geohazards.
We have a long-standing interest in polar geosciences, specifically in geological and geophysical studies of the continental shelf and continental margins of Antarctica for paleoclimate and paleo ice sheet research. We are currently extending our collaborative national and international research activities in Antarctica and the Arctic by leveraging our recently acquired polar vessel Laura Bassi.
Marine Geology & Basin Research
- Geological mapping and monitoring (onshore and offshore)
- Marine hazards including slope stability sediment and fluid seepage and flow
- Coastal erosion due to canyon headwall dynamics
- Faulting & Magmatism
- Linkages between tectonic and geodynamic processes, seabed morphology and sedimentation
- Paleoenvironmental reconstructions
Polar Geosciences
- Paleoclimate and paleo ice sheet dynamics based on geophysical and geological data along polar continental margins
- Numerical simulations of global and regional past climate change (Last deglaciation, Pliocene, Miocene, Oligocene)
- Numerical simulations of past Northern Hemisphere and Antarctic ice sheet evolution, thresholds and past sea level changes
- Mapping the subglacial lithosphere and linking Solid Earth and Cryosphere
Geoenergy and Environment
- Site selection and monitoring for potential CO2 and H2 geological storage systems
- Geomodelling of gas storage systems
- Reservoir outcrop analogs
- Impact of bottom-current controlled sedimentation in reservoirs
Basin analysis (onshore-offshore)
- Swath bathymetry and seabed mapping
- Seismic methods and Interpretation
- Geological field surveys
- Structural geology
- Sedimentology and stratigraphy
- Subsidence analysis
- Subsurface fluid flow
Scientific Drilling and Ground Truthing (IODP, MeBo, gravity/piston coring)
- Litho-stratigraphy
- Core- downhole logging analysis
- Seismic-log calibration
Numerical modelling
- Ice sheet dynamics
- Glacio-isostatic adjustment
- Climate dynamics (coupled or stand-alone ice sheet, ocean and atmosphere)
- Backstripping of sedimentary sequences
Gravity and magnetic methods
- Analysis of gravity and magnetic anomalies for tectonic and geological studies
- Potential field models combined with geophysical, petrophysical and geological information
- Linking satellite gravity/magnetic data with airborne, ground and marine observations