The Laboratory manages geodetic monitoring systems through GNSS technology of landslides.
Since 2014, the Center for Seismological Research (CRS) of OGS has been involved in the setting up and implementation of a network of permanent GNSS stations for the characterization and monitoring of landslides upstream from the village of Cazzaso in the municipality of Tolmezzo (UD). To date, 14 stations are active. The monitoring system can estimate the movements, with a one-hour delay, and to ensure a timely notification to the local administration, which can manage the access routes and the possible evacuation of a residential area.
The monitoring activity is supported with funds from the municipality of Tolmezzo regulated by various agreements covering the period from the beginning of 2015 to the end of 2026:
The work has been published in some scientific journals as per the links below:
- Lavinia Tunini, David Zuliani, Federico Di Traglia, Lorenzo Borselli, Claudio De Luca, Teresa Nolesini, Francesco Casu (2024), Monitoring and modelling moraine landslides: an example from Cazzaso village (Carnic Alps, Italy), Bulletin of Geophysics and Oceanography; published online 12 July 2024, DOI 10.4430/bgo00459;
- Zuliani, D.; Tunini, L.; Di Traglia, F.; Chersich, M.; Curone, D. Cost-Effective, Single-Frequency GPS Network as a Tool for Landslide Monitoring. Sensors 2022, 22, 3526.;
Thanks to the work carried out, OGS was recognized with the “Conoscere per prevenzione 2016” award for the project “The Esri Italia GNSS monitoring system SENDAS: the case history of the Tolmezzo (UD) landslide”. Award assigned by the Scientific Committee of the Esri Italia 2016 Conference on 20 April 2016 at the Leptis Magna Hall of the Ergife Palace Hotel in Rome,
also monitored, on behalf of the FVG Civil Protection, the left bank of the Livenza River near the town of Brugnera (PN) by means of a network of permanent GNSS stations. The activity was summarized in the works indicated below:
- Zuliani, D.; Tunini, L.; Severin, M.; Bertoni, M.; Ponton, C.; Parolai, S. LZER0: A Cost-Effective Multi-Purpose GNSS Platform. Sensors 2022,22,8314. https://;
- David Zuliani (2022). Monitoraggio GNSS delle frane. Soluzioni cost-effective e lo strumento in tempo reale LZERO, WORKSHOP “Interscambio di esperienze, presentazione di tecnologie e metodologie nella gestione delle emergenze”, Il workshop è stato organizzato da WORKSHOP organizzato da Italian Trade Agency (ITA), Agenzia per la promozione all'estero e l'internazionalizzazione delle imprese italiane, Auditorium - Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (CENAPRED), Città del Messico, 6-8 luglio 2022;
- D. Zuliani, P. Fabris, M. Bertoni, E. Del Negro, M. Severin (2019). MONITORAGGIO FRANE E GNSS COST-EFFECTIVE. Presentazione su invito. Convegno tra geologia e geofisica 2019 XVI Workshop di Geofisica. Sala conferenze “Fortunato Zeni” - Fondazione Museo Civico Rovereto Borgo S. Caterina 41, Rovereto – TN, giovedì 5 e venerdì 6 dicembre 2019, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10196.63361;