National technology clusters - NTCs - are networks of public and private entities operating on the national territory in sectors such as industrial research, training and technology transfer.
Each Cluster deals with a specific technology and application area that is considered strategic for Italy.
OGS actively participates in the national technology clusters "Energia" and "Blue Italian Growth" (BIG). Both clusters act as catalysts of resources to respond to the needs of the territory and the market, to coordinate and strengthen the connection between the world of research and the business world, and to develop concrete proposals and strategies to accelerate innovation processes and increase the industrial competitiveness of the country system.
At the regional level, OGS is part of the "Maritime Technology Cluster FVG – mareFVG" cluster, the reference point for the maritime technology sector in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, which comprises a group of companies, universities, research centres and training bodies that share the desire to be more competitive together. The Cluster offers networking services, the conception and management of innovation projects, the dissemination of research results, guidance and promotion of maritime professions, as well as an observatory of the maritime territorial system.
Cluster Blue Italian Growth
Cluster Energia
Maritime Technology Cluster FVG – mareFVG
Cluster Blue Italian Growth
Cluster Energia
Maritime Technology Cluster FVG – mareFVG