
The physicist is the new executive director of TWAS from December 2024

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An overview of Carbon capture, transport, utilisation and storage will be provided through 4 meetings

Laura Bassi in Antartide (foto di Manuel Bensi)

After an interruption caused by a malfunction of the left engine, the research vessel has set sail again from New Zealand


The OGS was also involved in the IBCAO 5.0 project. It covers over 25% of the Arctic Ocean and offers four times the resolution of the previous version

Natale 2024

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from OGS. We inform that all the organisation's offices will be closed on 23, 24 and 27 December and on 2 and 3 January.


OGS took part into a study recently published in the open access Journal Progress in Oceanography

antartide Boehm

The project involves also OGS and has been funded by ERC with almost 3 milion of Euro


The ILGE TNA/NOA program offers students, researchers and professors the opportunity to receive support to carry out their research activity in cutting-edge Italian laboratories

incontro citem

The OGS took part in the meeting of the Centre for Innovation in Marine Technologies (CITEM) in Livorno and presented the results of the activities for 2024.

laura bassi lyttelton2024

The decision to turn back was made after the port engine failed.