OGS is taking part in an oceanographic campaign on the southern Brazilian continental margin, to study the seabed with the help of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, or AUV (photo 1). OGS researcher Daniel Praeg has joined Brazilian colleagues aboard the vessel Rig Supporter for the NR12/CONEGAS

OGS-NODC is the scientific coordinator of EMODNET Chemistry, the European Marine Observation and Data Network for Chemistry. EMODNET aims to assemble fragmented and inaccessible marine data into interoperable, continuous and publicly available data streams for complete maritime basins. EMODNET

SeaDataNet2 will focus on the upgrade of the present SeaDataNet infrastructure. The overall objective is to develop an operationally robust and state-of-the-art Pan-European infrastructure for providing up-to-date and high quality access to ocean and marine metadata, data sets and data products

The meteo-oceanographic buoy MAMBO1 is going to be implemented with new, high-tech instruments. An innovative measurement system aimed at determining the CO2 concentration in water will soon be installed on the buoy, which belongs to OGS and is located in front of the Miramare Castle. New sensors

It is with great pleasure that we have learned that Giorgio Napolitano, the President of the Republic, gave a high recognition (Presidential medal) to the Workshop in Oceanography that will be held in Rome, at the Accademia dei Lincei, from 7 – 9 November. The workshop will be adorned by the

To celebrate the 25 years of the project "Physical Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean – POEM", the Space Academy Foundation, a non-profit organization devoted to promote science and technology, and the Commission Internationale pour l'Exploration Scientifique de la Mèr Mèditerranée (CIESM)

OGS researchers are working in the Levantine Sea from 16 September to 25 October, as invited participants in the APINIL campaign of the French research vessel Le Suroît (see photo). The route of the vessel can be seen here: http://www.ifremer.fr/posnav/PosnavWeb/WFNavire.aspx?navire=suroit. APINIL

Un articolo che descrive il campo turbolento di un flusso oscillante soggetto a rotazione (conosciuto anche come strato limite di Stokes-Ekman, SLSE) è stato recentemente pubblicato su Journal of Fluid Mechanics. L’articolo è il risultato di una collaborazione1,2 a lungo termine fra OGS e il

The twenty-year-long agreement on scientific collaboration endorsed between OGS and the Direccion Nacional del Antartico – Instituto Antartico Argentino (DNA / IAA) has been renewed for another 5 years. Dr. Mariano Memolli, Director of the Direccion Nacional del Antarctico, the institution entrusted

On July 11th 2011, the third member of OGS’s board was elected. Voters appointed Sergio Persoglia – formerly manager technologist at OGS, and now retired. What follows is his message to OGS’s staff: Dear Colleagues, let me thank you for the confidence many of you have shown in me, which has brought