NODC survey

The National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) has created a user satisfaction survey to improve the quality of its marine data access and visualization services

Rifiuti in mare

The European Commission Joint Research Centre, has just released the new edition with OGS collaboration

La nave Laura Bassi in Antartide ©PNRA (Autore: Manuel Bensi_Foto di archivio)

The Italian icebreaker is taking part in the 39th campaign of the National Antarctic Research Programme. It will be travelling around the Ross Sea for two months

Natale 2023 - immagine di Sara Paschini

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from OGS. We inform that all the organisation's offices will be closed on 27-28 and 29 December.

Premio Barcola

The prize was awarded to an infrastructure for the first time. Nicola Casagli accepted the awards today

bassi in navigazione

After the final work on board, the OGS ship leaves the port of Naples to reach Antarctica. It will arrive at its destination in January 2024 to take part in the 39th PNRA campaign


Today in Trieste the representatives of 6 European CEI member countries

ghiaccio web

An international project, which also involves researchers from the OGS and the University of Trieste, is underway

NODC al primo incontro della Comunità Italiana di Data Steward

The National Oceanographic Data Centre - NODC took part to meeting

stefania bianco

Stefania is a PhD student at Unipv-IUSS, her research on coccolithophore is conducted in collaboration with OGS