The first joint campaign of the PRIN MEFISTO and FEMTO projects was successfully carried out in Panarea

The first joint measurement campaign of the PRIN 2022 PNRR "MEFISTO" and PRIN 2022 "FEMTO" projects, which are both funded by the European Union - Next Generation EU and in which OGS is the coordinator and partner, respectively, ended a few days ago.

MEFISTO, carried out in collaboration with the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia INGV, aims to determine the actual contribution of the coastal marine environment to the atmospheric methane budget, while FEMTO, coordinated by the University of Trieste, aims to identify microorganisms and genes associated with antibiotic resistance strategies by studying the microbial communities of the marine aerosol.

By sharing logistics, resources and expertise, the two research groups were able to successfully carry out their respective studies in the underwater hydrothermal system near the island of Panarea, also making use of the highly qualified staff and facilities of the OGS laboratory ECCSEL NatLab-Italy.

A second measurement campaign will be carried out next October off the island of Panarea to assess the role of seasonality in changing methane and microbial community dynamics.

Progetti PNRR