International collaboration

OGS and the Laboratoire d’Oceanologie (University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris) from Villefranche-sur-mer have been collaborating in realization of the project NAOS (Novel Argo Ocean Observing System) and Argo Italy. Two groups of experimental oceanography (ExO and MAOS) are responsible for Lagrangian measurements and biochemical data analysis. A prominent interest in these measurements have been oriented to the Adriatic-Ionian circulation system. This is due to the fact that the mechanism BiOS (Bi-modal Oscillating System) has a key role in determining decadal variability of thermohaline properties of both Eastern and Western Mediterranean. From 13 to 16 November 2013 a meeting was held in Villefranche-sur-mer with the aim to discuss practical and scientific aspects of the collaboration. The meeting was attended by M. Gacic, G. Civitarese, C. Pizzi and G. Notarstefano. G. Civitarese in that occasion was invited to present a seminar entitled: “BiOS, a quite pervasive mechanism in the Mediterranean Sea” which was followed by a lively discussion.