OGS at ESOF2020
From 2 to 6 September OGS is involved in the EuroScience Open Forum – ESOF2020 a biennial, pan-European, general science conference dedicated to scientific research and innovation.
OGS will be present in the following scientific sessions:
- 4 September “Blue skills to feed jobs in the Mediterranean and Black Sea Region”
- 4 September “Scientific Diplomacy for Freedom: Inter-Cultural Dialogue for Science”
- 4 September “The marine litter problem: sources, dispersion and impacts”
- 4 September “Environmental Protection and Climate Change - (How) can law respond to scientific challenges?”
OGS will also participate in the Science in the city Festival:
- 29 August “La sicurezza ai tempi del coronavirus - come cambia la ricerca”
- from 30 August “Boramuseum 2020, the Bora Pop Up Museum nel Magazzino 27” e “Bora e mare: un incontro burrascoso"
- from 2 to 6 September “Scienziopolis”
- 3 September - Aperitivo scientifico “Restauriamo il mare”
- 4 September - Cena scientifica “Il mare nel piatto”
- 5 September - Avvocati e scienziati: cosa possono insegnarsi l'un l'altro?