TeRABIT, the data highway for national scientific research

The TeRABIT project, which will create a digital highway for networking and sharing information between the Italian scientific communities has been recently launched in Cagliari.

The project intends to create an integrated computing and networking infrastructure with very high performance and make it accessible to scientific communities across the country. This will eliminate disparities in access to high performance computing and improve opportunities for all Italian researchers to collaborate and compete at the highest level in Europe and worldwide, regardless of their geographical location.

TeRABIT is managed by the National Institute of Nuclear Physics INFN, OGS, GARR consortium and CINECA, and is funded with 41 million euros by the PNRR as part of the "Education and Research" mission coordinated by the Ministry of University and Research. It will integrate and enhance three major strategic research infrastructures: GARR-T, PRACE-Italy and HPC-BD-AI. In close collaboration with the National Research Centre for High Performance Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing ICSC in Bologna, a state-of-the-art digital infrastructure will be provided for all researchers in the country by 2025.

Progetti PNRR