Fitoplancton in movimento

The characteristics of the sea change with depth, in terms of temperature, availability of nutrients, and also the intensity and color of the water. This results in different niches being more or less suitable for different phytoplankton species. In a recent study, a group of OGS researchers

Evidence for a developing plate boundary in the western Mediterranean

New geophysical evidence reveals the style of deformation along a plate boundary in the western Mediterranean, as reported in an article published in Nature Communications, to which OGS contributed. The current diffuse-strain model of the collision between Africa and Eurasia in the western

Pesci e mare

The Trieste Laboratory on Quantitative Sustainability is founded by the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics (OGS) and the Fondazione internazionale Trieste per il Progresso e la Libertà delle Scienze ( FIT ) with financial support from the Ministry of University and Research

Attività del progetto BIOSEA

With the conference on July 22nd, the activities of the BIOSEA project, Tutela e salvaguardia della BIOdiversità e dei SErvizi ecosistemici degli Ambienti di transizione - a project funded by PO-FEAMP 2104/2020 and involving OGS and the University of Messina in the coastal lagoons of Capo Peloro and

OGS Centro Nazionale di Supercalcolo

The governing bodies of the ICSC Foundation, which will manage one of the five national supercomputing centers envisioned in the National Reconstruction Plan, began their work today, July 19. This marked the establishment of the National Research Center for High Performance Computing, Big Data and

summer school Blue Skills 2022

The 2022 edition of the Summer School: the Copernicus Marine Service as a supporting tool to foster Sustainable Blue Economy was held form 2 till 8 of July. 25 students from Albania, Croatia, Egypt, Greece, Germany, Italy, Morocco, Libia and Tunisia gathered in Trieste to attend the advanced

studenti master sustainable blue growth

Climate change and migrations are the core of the event entitled "Climate, Hunger, Conflicts, migrations: turning four problems into a solution" that will take place on Saturday 2 July at 6 pm in the lecture hall of the University of Trieste via Montfort. The event kicks off CREATE, the project

Visita di Fabrizio Curcio del 28 giugno 2022

Today we hosted in our headquarters in Borgo Grotta Gigante, Fabrizio Curcio, Head of the Civil Protection Department, Riccardo Riccardi, Vice President of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and Regional Councilor for health, social policies and disability delegated to Civil Protection, and Amedeo

Campagna 5x1000 del 2022

Since many years, the OGS has been allocating the proceeds of the 5x1000 to scholarships for young researchers, to the purchase of equipment necessary for research and scientific dissemination. To continue to support us, simply enter our Tax Code in the appropriate box that appears on the various

Acquisizione dati morfobatimetrici con la rompighiaccio Laura Bassi

The OGS is among the organizations that participated in the compilation of the new version of the International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean (IBCSO), a digital database containing information on the depth of the Southern Ocean. The missions on the research vessel OGS Explora in 2003, 2006