The kick-off meeting of the ECOSS project was held in Venice from 12th to 14th March, hosted by the project lead partner – CNR ISMAR. The project involves 10 partner organizations from Italy and Croatia, all collaborating towards achieving a complex and challenging goal: the establishment of The

From 25 to 30 September OGS, Sapienza Università di Roma, CO2 GeoNet e Diving Center Amphibia will organize the fourth edition of the Scientific Diving Summer School in Panarea Island. The school, organized in collaboration with INGV (Palermo) and Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn (Napoli) will take

HarmoNIA Project Meeting will take place on Wednesday, 6 February 2019, in Split (Croatia) and will concretely involve the whole partnership to update the project activities and present the first project results. The Project Meeting will be followed, on Thursday, February 7 by the Second Stakeholder

The Kick-off meeting of FAIRSEA (Fisheries in the AdriatIc Region a Shared Ecosystem Approach) project will be held inTrieste on the 7th and 8th of February 2019, at premises of the Camera di Commercio Venezia Giulia (Sala Desiata) located in Piazza della Borsa, 14. During the first Kick off meeting

We are pleased to announce the opening of the call for candidates for the second edition (2018/2019) of the Advanced Master in Sustainable Blue Growth. OGS in collaboration with the University of Trieste, is organizing an advanced Master in Trieste for researchers, scientists and managers. OGS

The Joint Programming Initiative on Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans, JPI Oceans, is inviting applications for the position of Executive Director at its office in Brussels. The initial period will be for three years, with an option for one renewable term in office. The Executive Director

The Summer school on blue growth in the Euro-Mediterranean region 2018, jointly organised by the Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI) and Italian National Institute for Oceanography and Applied Geophysics (OGS) was successfully concluded on 27.6.2018. OGS is promoting the international school since

The Technical Workshop “The MSC certification program for sustainable fisheries: tools and opportunities” will be held on 26th of June 2018 at OGS (Via Beirut 2, Trieste). The workshop is being organised by Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and OGS with the support of the OGS Blue Growth Initiative

The fifth edition of the Summer School on Blue Growth in the Euro-Mediterranean Region 2018, organized by OGS and EMUNI, is starting today in Piran. The objectives of the school, which will end in Trieste on 27 June, are to increase the professional skills and the quality of research in the field of

The call for 10 three-year scholarships is open, with deadline June 14th, for attending the PhD programme in Earth Sciences, Fluid Dynamics and Mathematics. Interactions and Methods (ESFM), with start November 1st, 2018. ESFM is an international multidisciplinary PhD course, based at the Department