About the project One of the major challenges faced by European countries today is the reduction of CO2 emissions that contribute to climate change, and one of the key areas where improvements could be made easily and at low cost is the energy efficiency of buildings. The general objective of

The 11th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences, is held in July in Edinburgh, Scotland. Among other sessions, researches from OGS will present their results in the session "Geological controls on modern and past Antarctic bottom water and marine environment", chaired by Laura De Santis

DANNI STIMATI, E CALCOLATI, IN TEMPO QUASI REALE PER IL TERREMOTO DELL’EMILIA DEL 20 MAGGIO 2012 Vi proponiamo un confronto super-preliminare fra i danni stimati o calcolati da 3 diversi gruppi di esperti con modalità completamente diverse tra loro. (Da parte del gruppo Quest dell’Istituto Nazionale

OGS was asked by the Seismological Society of America to organize and to chair one of the special sessions of his Annual Meeting. The session was entitled: "Advances in Treating Macroseismic Intensity Data Quantitatively". (The three conveners of the session were: Livio Sirovich from Ogs, David Wald

«SITAR» Sismologia Ingegneristica e Tecniche Applicate al Rischio First matter: the inverse and direct use of our original kinematic model (KF), which calculates the body-wave radiation from a linear source, in terms of macroseismic intensity and of particle displacements. Second matter: seismic

Near-field Response of a 1D-structure Alluvial Site Here, you find a case history of the complex strong motion responses at a site with an almost 1-D structure (Buia) in the near-field of four 5.2-6.0 Mw earthquakes in the Friuli Plain of Italy. In one case (September 15th 1976 09:21 GMT, Mw=6.0