
From 11 to 14 February, more than 400 experts will meet to explore the most important topics in the field of geosciences. Participation in the conference is free and open to all interested professionals

Giornata internazionale delle donne e delle ragazze nella scienza 2025

The call from young female researchers and the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) on the "International Day of Women and Girls in Science"


The two initiatives provides opportunities for EMSO ERIC scientific community


The 43rd conference organised by the OGS will take place in Bologna from 11 to 14 February and will bring together geophysicists, seismologists, volcanologists and engineering scientists from all over Italy

Universita svalbard SIOS_ Bensi

The SIOS ARiS project team led by the OGS contributed to the document by taking stock of the influence of Atlantic waters in the polar regions

game science research centre gruppo

The honorary members of the GAME Science Research Center were hosted by OGS, which has been a member of the group since 2022


It will take place on 29 January at 5.30 pm in Udine

co2 panarea

The aim of the PNRR project is to promote the development and internationalisation of Italian research throughout the CCUS chain

Meeting SUS-MIRRI.IT gennaio 2025

The OGS presented the activities of its CoSMi infrastructure

knight nilo

OGS leads the project, co funded by FVG Region. University of Trieste, Lignano Sabbiadoro Municipality and Shoreline Soc. coop. are partners