
OGS, together with other Italian and European institutions, including ISPRA, NIB and HCMR, participated in a study on the Eastern Mediterranean that proposes a method to improve the quality control of data on pollutants

scienza aperta

The first national meeting of the Open Science Working Group of the Council of Presidents of Public Research Institutions (CoPER) will be held on Tuesday, December 6 and Wednesday, December 7 in Rome at the headquarters of the National Research Council (CNR). The goal of the event is to take stock

prosecco hills

A new study published in Frontiers in Earth Science by OGS analyses an unusually productive microearthquake sequence in the eastern Southern Alps (northern Italy)

Play decide del progetto Create

Giunge a conclusione il progetto CREATE, coordinato dall’Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale - OGS e co-finanziato dall’Iniziativa Centro Europea - CEI

Soccorso sulla Laura Bassi

On November 19, our research vessel Laura Bassi was requested by the Greek Search and Rescue Center to help a migrant boat that had been drifting at sea for six days. At the time of the call, the vessel was in Greek waters, about 10 hours from the port of Kalamata. On board the boat were 92 people


OGS celebrates the twentieth anniversary of the National Oceanographic Data Center - NODC: the infrastructure that manages the most comprehensive archive of marine data in Italy

Prima Assemblea Generale del Laboratorio Triestino sulla Sostenibilità Quantitativa

The first General Assembly of the Trieste Laboratory on quantitative sustainability (TLQS) was held today, the Laboratory was established in July and promoted by the OGS and the Trieste International Foundation - FIT - thanks to funding from the Ministry of University and Research - MUR. During the

Intervista a Paola Del Negro nel corso dell'evento Codiger 2022

L’Assemblea Generale della Conferenza permanente dei Direttori Generali degli Enti Pubblici di Ricerca Italiani - CODIGER , che riunisce tutti e ventuno gli Enti pubblici nazionali di ricerca, ha confermato il Segretario generale e il Comitato direttivo per il prossimo triennio.

Progetto Meet

The MEET (Monitoring Earth’s Evolution and Tectonics) project is opening a call for expressions of interest for the Scientific Advisory Board. The Advisory Board will give recommendations to the Executive Committee to improve the scientific, strategic, and social aspects of the project, and it

sea level rise conference 2022 1

OGS is involved in organising the event, which will bring together more than 300 participants to examine the latest data on impacts and assess future scenarios for our coasts