ECOsustainable management of MArine and tourist Ports
Lead partner: Municipality of Podstrana
ERDF: 2.408.997,74 €€
Total budget: 2.834.115,00 €
About the project
ECOMAP project will help smaller ports, local authorities and organisation managing ports to address environmental issues. In the Programme area are the vast majority of small ports often combining shipping, fishing and leisure activities within the same area. Despite their small size, they have important economic, social and environmental links with their surroundings and large cumulative impact. They face environmental challenges from EU policy and legislation, and higher expectations from their users and local residents, but they lack the knowledge and managing tools to respond to these challenges.
The aim of ECOMAP is to help local ports to design better environmental strategies and to have access to suitable environmental management tools to remain competitive and to contribute to a more sustainable Programme area. Partners will work together to improve their environmental status through investments in equipment and small infrastructure and educational activities for staff and stakeholders.
Project objectives
The main objective of ECOMAP is to improve the environmental quality conditions of the sea and coastal area connected to nautical ports and navigation, through the use of a new coordination innovative methodologies to focus on thematic areas of pollution from anthropogenic activities and use of sustainable and innovative technologies approaches, within the area of touristic and recreational port management on Italian and Croatian Adriatic. This will be achieved thanks to coordinated development and implementation of environmental friendly solution and exchange of knowledge and good practices between Italian and Croatian ports and R&D stakeholders in marine environment management.
Project results
- Enhanced capacities of marinas for better environmental management
- Stakeholders at programmes area are educated and aware of importance of sea and coastal area protection
- Quality level of coastal bathing waters at project location is at least of „good quality“
- Management of dredging sediment in port areas to return hydraulic functionality (water recirculation) and the depths required to ensure access to boats. Identification of any pollutants and the treatments for decontamination by pollutants in order to ensure their re-use based on sedimentological, chemical and biological characteristics (absence of pollutants)