Regional Stakeholder Workshop Focus Area 1, Trieste, Italy ADRiatic Ionian maritime spatial PLANning (ADRIPLAN)
Monday 7th of July 2014 a Regional Stakeholder Workshop of the ADRIPLAN project, focusing on the area of Northern Adriatic will be held in Trieste, Italy.
The workshop will be organized in cooperation with the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and OGS aiming at presenting the ADRIPLAN Initial Assessment results, discuss needs and priorities of the MSP emerged from the report, involve the stakeholders in the process providing information and obtaining feedbacks and define cross-border conflicts and synergies at Focus Area level. The workshops will be structured in an interactive way with presentations and Q&A sessions.
The analysis of uses and environmental conditions of Focus Area 1, in the framework of the comprehensive analysis at the AIM scale, carried out in the Initial Assessment Report allowed to point out some key needs and priorities for maritime spatial planning in the area. Such needs and priorities will be synthetically presented and discussed with administrators and stakeholders and will be the main subject of the planning analysis and proposal to be developed within ADRIPLAN in the following months.
Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP)
MSP will be in the next years implemented according to the new EU Directive “Establishing a framework for maritime spatial planning”, whose provision is that each Member State shall establish and implement maritime spatial planning, taking into account land-sea interactions. These interactions shall establish a substantial connection with the implementation process of the Protocol on Integrated Coastal Zone Management to the Barcelona Convention ratified by the European Council in 2010.
The issue is particularly important today, because the European Commission is launching the Action Plan for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR), that will be endorsed by the European Council this autumn and that will contribute to the definition of the development strategies of the region and to the destination of resources and projects.
Operational secretariat:
Annalisa Viezzoli – RFVG -
Marina Lipizer – OGS -
Loredana Alfarè – CNR - loredana.alfare @
For more information:
Press office OGS
Francesca Petrera – OGS
333 4917183
Nicole Beneventi
346 3100619