Improving and Integrating European Ocean Observing and Forecasting Systems for Sustainable use of the Oceans
The consortium for the European Ocean Observing and Forecasting System, EuroSea, was set out to optimise, advance and innovate many aspects of the ocean observing value chain: from technologies to products and services, from governance to capacities and best practice sharing. OGS is among the 56 partners of the consortium that have been carrying on the EuroSea project. This latter is one of the European Union Innovation Actions that support the G7 Future of Seas and Oceans Flagship Initiative. The initiative is funded through the European Commission research funding programme Horizon 2020.
EuroSea works to make the European ocean observing and forecasting system more user-focused, truly interdisciplinary, and responsive in a global context. The vision is that improving European ocean observing and forecasting services and products enables the delivery of the essential information needed for decision-making in the areas of climate, coastal and maritime activities, and ocean health.
Main objectives of EuroSea are i) Strengthening European ocean observing and forecasting as an integrated entity within a global context; 2) Improving the design for an integrated European ocean observing and forecasting system for the European seas and the Atlantic, including the deep sea; iii) Improving and enhancing the readiness and integration of ocean observing networks; iv) Enabling FAIR data (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable), supporting integration of ocean data into Copernicus Marine Service, EMODnet and SeaDataNet portfolios; v) Delivering improved forecasts and new synthesis products by better use of data in models; vi) Developing novel services, demonstrating the value of the ocean observing system to users; vii) Supporting integrated, sustainable and fit-for-purpose ocean observing system by engaging with a range of end-users and other stakeholders.