Metrology for Integrated marine maNagement and Knowledge-transfer nEtwork
MINKE project aims to integrate the main European research infrastructures in the field of marine metrology to coordinate their use and development. In addition, it proposes an innovative framework for the qualification of oceanographic information for the monitoring and management of marine ecosystems based on two dimensions of quality, the accuracy and completeness of the acquired data. Finally, through the various integration activities ("Networking", "Transnational-Virtual Access" and "Joint Research Activity") envisaged, it contextualizes this new vision in a quintuple helix innovation model aiming to lay the foundations of a new concept " community ”of marine observation activity capable of supporting the transition towards a socio-economic system of“ blue growth ”.
Total budget: € 4.994.955,00
OGS budget: € 202.901,25
Call: H2020-INFRAIA-2020-1 (EU)
22 partners
Details of OGS participation in the Work Package (WP) Leader proposal:
- WP2, “Promoting Operational Integration through Harmonization of Procedures”.
Task partner:
WP1 (“Building the Community”, Networking Activity), Task 1.3: Strategy forward;
WP2 (“Promoting Operational Integration through Harmonization of Procedures”, Networking Activity), Task 2.1: Measurand definitions and reference material;
WP2 (“Promoting Operational Integration through Harmonization of Procedures”, Networking Activity), Task 2.3: Uncertainty estimation;
WP2 (“Promoting Operational Integration through Harmonization of Procedures”, Networking Activity), Task 2.4: Common Terminology and Best Practice;
WP9 (“Advanced methods for improving Data Quality and Service”, Joint Research Activity), Task 9.1: Improving measurements of the carbonate system;
WP9 (“Advanced methods for improving Data Quality and Service”, Joint Research Activity), Task 9.4: Improving absolute salinity measurements.