Elena Concetta Partescano
Technologist Lev. I-III
Research activity: management and processing of oceanographic data on relational databases aimed at managing oceanographic monitoring systems in real-time and delayed mode through the use of SQL (Structured Query Language) on Unix / Linux operating system; validation and analysis of oceanographic data; management of metadata through the use of XML files (through the use of Mikado software), use of the XSLT language (eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations); management of oceanographic data through the GIS platform; creation and management of data entry masks; use of XML DB (XML database), Xquery, RESTful Web Service and software capable of managing HTTP URLs (Mikado), for inserting, updating and extracting XML files directly into the Oracle database, for managing metadata catalogs.
Data management through the use of OGC standards (Sensor Observation Service, Sensor Web Enablement, SensoML and O&M).
Participation in Italian (RITMARE) and European projects such as: SeaDataCloud, EMODnet Chemistry III, EMODnet Chemistry IV, Jerico +, EMODnet Ingestion, Eurofleets +, Harmonia, PortodiMare, SeaDataNet, SeaDataNet 2, JERICO, ODIP I, ODIP II, FixO3, Eurofleets, EMODnet Chemistry II, EMODnet Hydrography - Seabed Mapping and Geo-Seas.