Elena Mauri
Elena holds a M.S. in Marine Science from Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, San Jose State University (SJSU), California, USA (2000) and a B.S. in Biological Sciences from Trieste State University (1992). He worked at the Monterey Bay Aquariun reasearch Institute (MBARI) while studying at MLML gathering experience in bio-optics, ocean color and infrared satellite data.
She has been a scientist at OGS since 2000, working on satellite, drifter, float and ocean glider data. Since 2009 she leads the oceanglider group and since 2018 she coordinates the activities funded by Argo-Italy as a contribution to EuroArgo-ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium). She is also the Italian representative and vice-chair of the EuroArgo-ERIC Council.
Her interest is mainly focused on the mesoscale circulation and dynamics of water masses in the Mediterranean Sea and Ross Sea.