Silvia Ceramicola
At OGS, since 2000 studying sedimentary and tectonic processes occurring along active and passive continental margins, with a particular interest for processes active at seabed and for those geological features that may represent marine geohazards. Her research focuses on seabed mapping and sub-seafloor analyses of geological features such as slope failures, submarine canyons, fluid/gas seeps, seismogenic faults, with interest in several areas of the Mediterranean Basin, including Ionian Sea, Gulf of Taranto, the Nile fan and the Alboran Sea. Lead scientist of OGS activities for several international and national research projects as well as industries dealing with marine geohazards (EU-HERMES; DPC- MAGIC, MUR - RITMARE, EoN- TAP, Bluemed Action - SEALINES). Chief scientist of several oceanographic campaigns in the Mediterranean Sea. From 2013 to 2019, she acted as Chairman of the Marine Geosciences Committee of the Mediterranean Scientific Commission (CIESM). Since 2015 she is Associated Editor of Journal of Marine and Petroleum Geology (Elsevier). She acts as expert reviewer for EU project proposals (COST, H2020) and international peered review scientific journals. Supervisor of PhD students, trainees, master students. Author of more than 70 papers in peer reviewed journals. She is active in communication and outreach (documentaries by Euronews, and by RaiScuola, interviews on the radio, journals and other media, participation in many festival of science).