The OGS says “no” to violence
Today, the institute has installed a couple new red benches in its two main offices, located in Borgo Grotta Gigante (Trieste) and in Udine. These benches serve as a symbol of support and remembrance for all victims of violence. The unveiling of the benches was preceded this morning by a webinar presented by OGS trustee Francesca Pidone, with the title "La violenza contro le donne: una responsabilità di tutti e tutte. Riflessioni per il 25 novembre, giornata internazionale contro la violenza sulle donne" (translated: “Violence against women: each and everyone's responsibility. Considerations for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women - November 25th").
The webinar was followed by the official inauguration of the two red benches, each of which bears a phrase evoking the commitment of the organisation and all the people who work for it to create and maintain a working environment free of violence and discrimination.
At the Udine branch, the inauguration ceremony was presided over by our General Director, Paola Del Negro, and by Eleonora Meloni, Councillor of the Municipality of Udine, while at the Borgo Grotta Gigante headquarters, the red bench was inaugurated at the behest of the OGS Committee on Equal Opportunities.
The OGS has a long-standing commitment to being an open and inclusive place where everyone is viewed, heard and respected as equal. Together, we believe, we can build a future that is truly free from violence and discrimination. We invite everyone to consider the political and cultural roots of these phenomena and to actively engage in any kind of initiative that promotes mutual respect and dignity.