OGS will be participating in the 2024 edition of Trieste Next

The festival of scientific research Trieste Next is finally back with its 13th edition, which  will take place in Piazza Unità d'Italia, in Trieste, from 27 to 29 September. This year’s edition will be dedicated to the Horizons of Intelligence, in an effort to explore the latest advancements in the field of knowledge and analyse the ever-changing boundaries between human beings and technology.

The National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics will collaborate with the Miramare Marine Protected Area and take part in the festival with its own exhibition stand covering an area of over 200 square metres and located in Piazza Unità d'Italia. The OGS will offer the public a wide range of educational activities, scientific demonstrations, interactive games, and augmented reality tours, as well as numerous meetings with scientists.

Visitors of all ages will be given the opportunity to find out more about natural hazards, climate change, the ocean, and marine biodiversity. This will be a great opportunity to understand the importance of scientific research and technology not only for the future of humankind, but also for that of other species and of the entire planet.

More specifically, on the morning of Friday 27 September, there will be a series of workshops and educational activities designed for schools.


From 3 p.m. to 10 p.m., OGS will combine its Trieste Next activities with those conceived as part of the national project SHARPER, which stands for Sharing Researchers’ Passion for Education and Rights. SHARPER is backed by the European Commission and engages a number of Italian universities, museums and research institutes in the organisation of the European Researchers' Night. The goal is to draw citizens closer to science, by raising awareness of the researcher's profession and its relevance for society.

OGS will hold three events during SHARPER:

  • ADOPT A FLOAT (4.00 - 5.00 pm, OGS/AMPM Stand in Piazza Unità d'Italia)

With Giorgio Dall'Olmo, Antonella Gallo and Milena Menna.

Learn more about the Argo floats, the specialised underwater robots used to monitor the ocean, and about the international project ‘Adopt a float’, which gives school classes the opportunity to adopt a float and track its drifting across the ocean in real time!

(Link Adopt a float)

  • STREET SCIENCE (5.00 - 6.00 pm, in front of the Town Hall/Palazzo del Municipio)

With Florence Colleoni representing the OGS.

This event is organised by SiS FVG and will have female scientists from various institutes presenting both minor and major scientific discoveries. The glaciologist Florence Colleoni will participate as a representative of the OGS, telling the story Iceberg in sight.

(Link Street Science)

  • TRACCE PROFONDE (5.00 - 7.30 p.m., OGS/AMPM Stand in Piazza Unità d'Italia)

With Federica Nasi.

Live analysis of marine sediment samples, looking for oxygen, living organisms and evidence of their remarkable underwater activity.

(Link Tracce Profonde)

  • LET'S PLAY! (7.30 – 10.00 pm, OGS/AMPM Stand in Piazza Unità d'Italia)

With Nicole Beneventi, Rita Blanos and Caterina Fanara.

A session dedicated to scientific games, where participants will play the role of researchers as they uncover the mysteries of sea and earth sciences and face the greatest sustainability challenges.

(Link Let's Play!)


On Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 September, the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics will offer the public a wide range of additional activities and meetings. Various branches of OGS will take part in the organisation:

In addition to workshops and public forums, the OGS will also hold two conferences:

  • INCONTRARSI E CO-CREARE. VIAGGIO NELLA SCIENZA APERTA (Saturday 28, 10.00 - 11.15 am, Area Talk 2 in Piazza Unità d'Italia)

With Chiara Altobelli (OGS), Alessia Smaniotto (OpenEdition) and Domenico D'Alelio (Citizen Science Italia).

Moderator: Paolo Diviacco (OGS).

(Link Incontrarsi e Co-creare)

  • TRA ARIA E ACQUA. STORIA DEL PIANETA TERRA (Sunday 29, 6.00 - 7.15 pm, Area Talk 2 in Piazza Unità d'Italia)

With Alessandro Iannace (University of Naples Federico II) and Angelo Camerlenghi (OGS).

Moderator: Corinna Guerra (Ca' Foscari University of Venice).

(Link Tra Aria e Acqua)

The OGS and its representatives are also participating in the following conferences:

  • TRANSIZIONE ENERGETICA E SOSTENIBILITÀ (Sunday 29, 4.30 - 5.45 p.m., Headquarters of Regione Autonoma FVG, Sala delle Colonne).

Curated by TLQS - The Laboratory on quantitative sustainability, OGS/FIT project with MUR funding and support.

With Elena Caprotti ( Regione Autonoma FVG), Fausto Ferraccioli (OGS), Vanni Lughi (University of Trieste) and Giovanni Piccoli (AcegasApsAmga).

Moderator: Stefano Fantoni.

(Link Transizione energetica e Sostenibilità)


In collaboration with ICTP.

Rita Nogherotto (CNR and ICTP) dialogues with Florence Colleoni (OGS), Filippo Giorgi (ICTP) and Mark Howells (CCG).

(Link Clima ed Energia: un Equilibrio globale)

All activities and workshops will be free of charge and open to the public on a first-come, first-served basis.



For the entire duration of the Trieste Next 2024 festival, the oceanic icebreaker Laura Bassi, an OGS owned ship, will be moored at Dock IV in Trieste and will be open to the public. The vessel is a key scientific and logistical mobile hub for all Italian polar missions as well as for oceanographic and geophysical research, and it is used both by the OGS and by other domestic and European institutions.

Guided visits on board will only be available upon reservation.

Fri 27 Sept: www.sharper-night.it/sharper-trieste 

Sat 28 and Sun 29 Sept: https://www.triestenext.it/laura-bassi/