Sustainability and Blue Economy: a training and knowledge transfer event in Albania
On 19 February, a training and exchange of best practises on environmental protection took place in Durres, with the participation of Italy and Eastern European countries: The workshop entitled "Challenges for a sustainable blue economy in Albania: prioritising water quality from green ports to sustainable tourism" is part of the training planned within the TRUE BLUE project.
The OGS-led project aims to promote capacity building and knowledge transfer in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania in the field of sustainable blue economy through science diplomacy – an area in which Italy, Croatia and Slovenia have deep expertise – to support their progress towards EU integration.
The day also saw the joint event “Best practises on environmental protection in Albania” organised by TRUE BLUE and two other international cooperation projects dealing with the sustainability of the Adriatic Sea, led by the CEI.
The first is ASAP, an initiative co-financed by the European Union through the Interreg IPA ADRION programme, in which the OGS is also involved. ASAP aims to transfer knowledge and best practises to the entire Adriatic basin in order to strengthen the protection of the sea in case of pollution spills, especially after major accidents, the consequences of which cannot be managed by individual countries but require joint efforts at a transnational level.
The other is TREASURE, a project co-financed by the Interreg EURO MED programme, which aims to improve environmental quality in and around Mediterranean port areas and reduce sediment and water pollution.
The workshop is open to all stakeholders in the region, with a focus on the participation of Albanian public administrations. It is co-financed as part of the TRUE BLUE project by the CEI's KEP (Know-How Exchange Programme) with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.