The School on Recent Advances in Analysis of Multivariate Ecological Data: Theory and Practice will be held in Trieste, Italy, from 24th to 28th October 2016, organized by ICTP toghether with OGS, and ISEM. WHY to APPLY Excellent LECTURERS, including Pierre LEGENDRE (author of one of the most

On June 10, at 11.30, at Meeting Room – Via Beirut 2/4 – OGS, Miramare, Igor Celic – OGS - OCE - will present the seminar: “Simulazione degli effetti biologici e socio-economici dell’applicazione del regolamento europeo per la riduzione degli scarti da pesca nel Golfo di Trieste tramite modellistica

"Challenges and Opportunities for the EU Common Fisheries Policy application in the Mediterranean and Black Sea" is a new Research Topic in Frontiers in Marine Science which aims at collecting a broad range of analyses on ecological, biological, social, economic and legislative issues and case

OGS, Instituto Nacional de Oceanografía y Geofisica Experimental, tiene previsto realizar un campaña oceanográfica en el Mar Balear con la finalidad de adquirir datos geofísicos en el margen sur de las islas Baleares. La investigación se desarrolla en en el marco del la red científica Europea COST

The TWAS Fellowships programme with over 470 PhD and 150 postdoctoral fellowships available annually in 10 developing countries with 19 programme partners is said to be the largest programme of its kind worldwide. The 2016 TWAS Fellowships call for applications is now open for majority of the

On April 29, at 11:00, at “Antonio Michelato” Room – “Ferruccio Mosetti” building – OGS, Borgo Grotta Gigante, Walter Böhm – OGS - GEO - will present the seminar: “CAT3D, uno strumento completo per il ray tracing e l’inversione tomografica”. Link:

On April 26, at 11.00, at “Antonio Michelato” Room – “Ferruccio Mosetti” building – OGS, Borgo Grotta Gigante, dr. Emanuele Organelli – Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche (LOV, France) - will present the seminar: “Radiometric measurements by Bio-Argo floats: from quality-control to Ocean

On April 27, at 10:00, at Sala riunioni - "Carlo Morelli" building – OGS, Borgo Grotta Gigante, Laleh Shabrang – OGS - OCE - will present the seminar: “Mediterranean thermohaline properties and large-scale climatic patterns”. Link:

On April 7, at 10:30, at Meeting Room – Via Beirut 2/4 – OGS, Miramare, Lars-Eric Heimbürger - Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography (Marseille) - will present the seminar: “Mercury in the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans - results of the 2014 GEOTRACES GEOVIDE & 2015 GEOTRACES TransArc II cruises

A Training Course organized by the Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS) and sponsored by the Società Italiana di Biologia Marina (SIBM) and the RITMARE Flagship project. The Course, with lectures and practical sessions, is designed to provide an overview of the