The TWAS Fellowships programme with over 460 PhD and 150 postdoctoral fellowships available annually in 10 developing countries with 18 programme partners is said to be the largest programme of its kind worldwide. The 2015 TWAS Fellowships call for applications is now open for majority of the

On June 9, at 10:30, at “Antonio Michelato” room – “Ferruccio Mosetti” building - OGS – Borgo Grotta Gigante, Alessandro Crise will present the seminar: “A MSFD complementary approach for the assessment of pressures, knowledge and data gaps in Southern European Seas: The PERSEUS experience”. Link

The 47th International Workshop of the Mediterranean Science Commission (CIESM) took place in Sorrento from 15 to 18 April. Marine researchers including geologists, oceanographers, and biologists assembled there discussed recent advances and gaps of knowledge in our understanding of the dynamics of

The course "Glaciology (past, present and future)" will be held at OGS (Sala Michelato) on 11-12-25 and 26 May. For more information Program 11 and 12 May 09:00-13:00 - Glaciers. Lecturer: Renato R. Colucci (CNR- ISMAR) 25 May 09:00-13:00 -

The next Science cafe will be held on April 9 at Caffè Tommaseo at 17.15: Lisa Signorile and Livio Sirovich will talk about ethology and animals, seismology and biblical prophecies. In particular Livio Sirovich will speak about methods, tools and tricks used to know everything about past earthquakes

On April 15, at 11:30, at “Antonio Michelato” room – “Ferruccio Mosetti” building - OGS – Borgo Grotta Gigante, Dr Paolo Cipollini (National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK) will present the seminar: “Satellite altimetry from the open ocean to the coastal zone: achievements and outlook” Link

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On March 11, at 11:15, at room 34 - Via Beirut, 0 - OGS - Miramare, dott. Aljaz Maslo (Univerza v Ljubljani) will present the seminar: “Numerical modelling of oil spills in rivers using Lattice Boltzmann Method” Link:

The Central European Initiative (CEI) and OGS (Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale) signed a Protocol for Scientific and Technological Cooperation, on Friday 27 February 2015. More information in the press release.

From January 2015 Rebesco Michele joins the editorial board of the journal Marine Geology, taking over from David Piper as editor-in-chief, along with Gert J. de Lange and John Wells. Michele is a marine geologist at OGS, working as a member of the research group of Geosciences, specialized in the