On Wednesday, March 4th, the fourth Regional Stakeholder Workshop of the ADRIPLAN project will be held in Strunjan, Slovenia. ADRIPLAN is financed by the European Commission - Maritime Affairs and involves OGS among the Cores Scientific Partners. The workshop has the main objective of performing a

On February 9 at 15.00, at seminar room "Antonio Michelato" - OGS, Borgo Grotta Gigante, prof. Mario Gustavo Ordaz Schroeder of Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), will present the seminar "Models for earthquake loss estimation: construction and applications". Prof Ordaz Schroeder will

Dr Angelo Camerlenghi and Dr Mounir Ghribi from OGS participated in the Euro - Mediterranean Forum 28-29 January 2015 in Barcelona at the headquarters of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) as representatives of Italy within the dialogue 5+5. The initiative seeks to strengthening cooperation in

TURBINTERMARS is aimed at exploring the “trade zones” between turbulence and Earth Sciences and it's focused on boundary layer-sediment interactions at different scales, from micro to macro scales, from observatory, experimental to numerical investigations, and applications in hydraulics

The M112 campaign of the German research vessel Meteor, in which OGS is involved, has observed gas emissions from seabed mud volcanoes in Italian waters. The gas bubbles are rising into the ocean from a structure known as Venere Mud Volcanoes, a pair of extrusive cones up to 100 m high that lie in

On December 16, at 11:00, at seminar room Via Piccard, 54 - OGS - Santa Croce, Juan Carlos Miquel (IAEA - Marine Environment Laboratories - MEL - Monaco) will present the seminar: " Carbon Flux to the Ocean Interior in the NW Mediterranean Sea: decadal time-series observations with sediment traps

Three researchers supported by the actions Marie Sklodowska -Curie ( MSCA ) were awarded on Tuesday at the conference ENGRes2014 "Empowerment Next Generation of Researchers", held in Trento on the 18-19th November. The European Commission has awarded the "Promising Research Talent" Maanasa Raghavan

On November 21, at 11:00, at seminar room “Antonio Michelato” - building "Ferruccio Mosetti" - OGS, Borgo Grotta Gigante, Arthur Capet (Marie Curie Fellow at OGS) will present the seminar: "The Black Sea under Pressure: mechanisms of sensitivity” Link: http://nettuno.ogs.trieste.it/jungo/caffe

The German research vessel Meteor sailed today from Catania, on a 5 week campaign to study mud volcanoes and gas hydrates in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. The R/V Meteor M112 campaign will begin offshore Calabria, investigating mud volcanoes discovered by OGS in 2005 in the context of the EC

The first edition of the "Symposium on HPC and Data-Intensive Applications in Earth Sciences: Challenges and Opportunities" will take place in Trieste on 13-14th of November 2014 at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP). The Symposium is co-sponsored by PRACE (http:/