Art. 1 - General Principles
The National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics - OGS, consistent with the institutional objectives in favour of developing culture and scientific and technical research, as well as protecting the freedom of research, sets the principles of Open Science at the centre of its action, identifying among its priorities the expansion of the community of users of its research products.
This regulation incorporates:
- Legislative Decree No. 218/2016 "Simplification of the activities of public research institutions under Article 13 of Law No. 124 of August 7, 2015" and subsequent amendments.
- The Recommendation of the European Commission of March 11, 2005, on the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (2005/251/EC), with particular regard to the provisions relating to freedom of research, dissemination and exploitation of research, protection intellectual property.
- The European Commission Recommendation of April 25, 2018, on access to scientific information and its preservation (2018/790/EC).
- The Principles of Open Access are contained, first in the Budapest Declaration of 2002 and, later, in the 2003 Berlin Declaration concerning open access to scientific literature (Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities).
- Law No. 112 of October 7, 2013, "Conversion into law, with amendments, of Decree-Law No. 8 August 2013, No. 91, containing urgent provisions for the protection, enhancement and relaunch of cultural heritage and cultural activities and tourism.”
- The Library Commission - Open Access Group of the CRUI (Conference of Deans of Italian Universities) guidelines regulate open access to scientific articles.
- The Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) of San Francisco in 2012, which promotes the adoption of evaluation criteria leading to the improvement of the intrinsic quality of research and its economic and social impact.
Considering its research-related scientific output, OGS considers it necessary to analyse and regulate the management of scientific literature (repository and publication) separately from scientific data due to their respective peculiarities and specificities.
Art. 2 - Purposes
This policy aims to regulate the depositing and publication in the Institutional Archive of the OGS, of scientific publications according to the principles of open access, making as effective and broad as possible the access to scientific contributions produced by OGS staff, with the aim of contributing to:
- increasing the visibility of OGS scientific research;
- promoting and implementing the Principles of Open Access;
- fulfilling the requirements of national and EU legislation on Open Access.
Art. 3 - Definitions
For this Policy, the following definitions apply:
Publication/contribution: any text (possibly accompanied by images and/or scientific data related to the text) accepted or published in scientific journals that have been subject to review or evaluation by recognized experts in the field. Examples include: essays, articles in scientific journals, conference proceedings, monographs and book chapters, editorials, patents, doctoral dissertations, reports technical.
Open access: an accessible, free and freely available scientific publication that also authorizes printing, copying and reuse for teaching and research purposes, provided that the source is cited.
Author: who, by depositing a contribution in the OGS Institutional Archive, declares and warrants that he/she is the intellectual creator (or co-creator/s) of that contribution, the integrity and authenticity of the deposited version and that he/she is the owner (o co-owner/s) of the right to make available for the purposes set forth herein, to the extent permitted by current legislation and any contracts entered into with third parties. All persons, whether employees or not, who perform scientific and technology at OGS shall provide for the depositing of publications of which they are authors or co-authors.
Institutional Archive of Publications: the tool for documenting, validating, preserving, promoting and disseminating the scientific production of OGS members for future use, verification, evaluation and research activities.
Pre-print version: the digital version of the publication before it undergoes the process of peer-review or other scientific quality control mechanisms.
Post-print version: the final digital version of the publication, incorporating the results of the review process, which has been accepted for publication but has not yet been graphically processed by the publisher and does not graphically feature the logos or trademarks of the same publisher.
Editorial version: the digital version of the publication published and processed by the publisher, which graphically features the logos or trademarks of the same publisher.
Metadata: the set of structured information on a publication. It can be primary (descriptive and structural) and context-related information (e.g. administrative/management information related to departmental affiliation, possible funding body, etc.)
Embargo: the period during which open access to the publication is suspended even if already deposited in the Institutional Repository.
Green Road to open access: the self-archiving of the metadata of a scientific contribution accompanied by the entire text in the pre-print or post-print version.
Gold Road to open access: the open access publication of a scientific contribution.
Art. 4 - Depositing and publication in the Institutional Archive
The Institutional Archive of scientific publications is OGS RESEARCH published at The Archive is configured according to the OAI-PMH protocol (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting). It therefore falls within the scope of applying the norms on scientific research and evaluation of research, archival-administrative records, and the norms on the use of scientific and cultural heritage from an open access-oriented perspective. It is indexed by the main general and specialized search engines, ensuring maximum dissemination and visibility of deposited materials. It is interoperable with the MUR's databases and the European Commission's OpenAIRE open access repository and publication information infrastructure (www.openaire.EU).
OGS recommends depositing and ensuring open access availability of scientific publications by following the green road or, when possible, the gold road.
When the author finalizes a scientific publication, they are required to start depositing that publication at the same time as accepting it, subject to constraints arising from any funding.
In the case of publication in a journal or other publishing venue, the author is required to inquire what rights they have assigned to the publisher and the obligations arising from any funding before depositing the publication in the Institutional Repository.
On insertion, the author:
- declares that they have complied with the constraints signed in the agreement signed with the publisher and the lender if any;
- provides indications on the immediate accessibility or otherwise (e.g. embargo period) of the publication in its editorial version. If the editorial version cannot be made public, the author is required to deposit in the Institutional Repository an open access version (e.g. the pre-print or post-print version) and possibly deposit the restricted access editorial version;
- fully accepts the terms and conditions outlined in the OGS RESEARCH Deposit Licence (Annex 1).
Art. 5 - Monitoring and support committee
The Monitoring Commission is appointed by the Act of the President. The commission provides internal support and periodically verifies and monitors the correctness of filing procedures.
Art. 6 - Final Provisions
For matters not expressly provided for, please refer to current relevant regulations and subsequent Commission regulations (Art. 5).