ECCSELLENT CCUS Training Courses series
The ECCSELLENT (Development of ECCSEL-R.I. ItaLian facilities: usEr access, services and loNg-Term sustainability) project offers a series of training courses on CCUS (Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage). The series of courses will provide an overview of the capture, transport, utilisation and storage aspects of CCUS.
The technical and safety requirements of each phase of the chain will be assessed and put into a wider context using case studies and real-life examples. Special focus will be given to Italian CCUS infrastructures.
The courses will take place online, on the following dates:
January 31, 2025: training Course on research infrastructure for CO2 Capture R&D;
February 6, 2025: Training Course on research infrastructure for CO2 Transport R&D;
March 13, 2025: Training Course on research infrastructure for CO2 Storage R&D;
March 26, 2025: Training Course on research infrastructure for CO2 Utilisation R&D.
ECSELLENT is funded by The National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) MISSION 4 "Education and Research'' - COMPONENT 2 "From research to business", INVESTMENT LINE 3.1.1 “Fund for construction of an integrated system of research and innovation infrastructures” (Research Infrastructure)