Development of ECCSEL - R.I. ItaLian facilities: usEr access, services and loNg-Term sustainability

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The general objective of the ECCSELLENT project, where OGS is acting as a Coordinator, is to upgrade most of the Italian facilities part of the ECCSEL ERIC and to expand the Italian node to promote the development and internationalization of our country’s research in the full chain of CCUS: CO2 Capture, Utilization, Transport and Storage .

The work plan of the ECCSELLENT project will involve the facilities owned by OGS, the University of Bologna, the Politecnico di Milano, and ENEA, which are already part of ECCSEL, and the two facilities owned by CNR Messina (ITAE) and CNR Naples (STEMS), that by means of this project become part of the initiative.

The new technologically advanced instrumentation will allow the integration and networking of the data and the collected results, offering the opportunity for the stakeholders (industrial sector, small and medium-sized enterprises) to test the equipment in conditions of real operation making use of the experience of scientific staff.

The activities envisaged in ECCSELLENT make it possible to strengthen scientific excellence by providing the national research system with the tools necessary to advance the frontiers of knowledge, but also to face, in a more efficient way, the great challenges expressed by society, at EU level within the Horizon Europe Framework Program, or specific for our country. The strengthening of the infrastructure will offer researchers the possibility of counting on competitive level equipment and will therefore have a significant impact on the scientific progress by promoting dialogue and comparison with the international research system and, consequently, on the cultural and scientific growth of the national population of researchers.

The activities envisaged in ECCSELLENT make it possible to strengthen scientific excellence by providing the national research system with the tools it needs to advance the frontiers of knowledge, but also to tackle the major societal challenges more efficiently, whether at EU level within the Horizon Europe Framework Programme, or specifically for our country. The upgrading of the infrastructure will offer researchers the possibility of counting on competitive equipment and will therefore have a significant impact on scientific progress by fostering dialogue and comparison with the international research system and, consequently, on the cultural and scientific growth of the international community of people involved in scientific research. The proposal also aims to maintain the level of excellence achieved by Italian research infrastructures dedicated to the CCUS, which is already widely recognized internationally.


The National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) MISSION 4 "Education and Research'' - COMPONENT 2 "From research to business", INVESTMENT LINE 3.1.1 “Fund for construction of an integrated system of research and innovation infrastructures” (Research Infrastructure)

Name of the project 

ECCSELLENT - Development of ECCSEL - R.I. ItaLian facilities: usEr access, services and loNg-Term sustainability



Total investment

16.500.000 €

OGS investment

6.692.657,50 €



Other institutions involved



OGS role
Project type

PNRR - Gare e appalti / Tenders

# Title
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