multi-Risk sciEnce for resilienT commUnities under a changiNg climate
The Extended Partnership (EP) RETURN - multi-Risk sciEnce for resilienT commUnities under a changing climate - was launched to strengthen research chains at national level and promote their participation in European initiatives on environmental, natural and anthropogenic risks. EP RETURN will contribute to strengthening key competences, technology and knowledge transfer and Italian governance in disaster risk management by improving basic knowledge on the application and use of technologies involving public administrations, stakeholders and private companies.
The OGS is involved in five spokes, one of which (VS4 - environmental degradation) it leads.
The National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) MISSION 4 "Education and Research'' - COMPONENT 2 "From research to business", INVESTMENT LINE 1.3 "Extended partnership" |
Project name |
RETURN - multi-Risk sciEnce for resilienT commUnities undeR a changiNg climate |
Code |
PE00000005 |
Total investment |
110.120.635,00 € |
OGS investment |
5.266.991,92 € (of which 1,2 M € as casacading grant) |
Proposer |
Other involved institutions |
26 partners:13 public universities and public research insitutes, 1 government Body (National Civil Protection Department), 2 Regional Agencies, 10 private research institutes (3 research centres and fundations, 1 private university e 6 private companies). Some of the partners are Competence Center of the National Civil Protection (ARPAE, CIMA, OGS, UNIFI and PLINIVS). |