The 43rd Conference of the National Group for Geophysics of the Solid Earth - GNGTS "Geophysics for the Future of the Planet" in Bologna
Today in Bologna, at the Belmeloro Campus in Via Andreatta 8, the 43rd National Conference of the GNGTS - National Solid Earth Geophysics Group begins. It is the most important annual event in Italy for geophysical research, organised by the Technical-Scientific Committee, which includes the OGS, the Department of Civil Protection (DPC), the CNR, the INGV, the university consortium ReLUIS and the Italian EAGE-SEG section.
For three days, from 11 to 14 February, over 400 geophysicists, seismologists, volcanologists and engineers will discuss the three macro-topics of "Seismicity, volcanoes, data and models", "Analysis and risk reduction of natural disasters" and "Applied geophysics for energy, environment and new technologies".
The event is also the occasion for the internal meeting of the National Group for Solid Earth Geophysics. This year, the meeting will be preceded by a morning during which the main projects and extended partnerships funded under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) that touch on GNGTS topics will be presented by the coordinators and their representatives: ITINERIS, MEET, GeoSciences I.R., RETURN, ICSC-HPC and Space It Up.
This year's conference is hosted and promoted by the University of Bologna, with the contribution of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), Codevintec, the Italian section of EAGE-SEG, YETITMoves, Stonex and Solgeo.