Cibo e sostenibilità

The Science and Technology Library of the University of Udine will host the event "Science and Sustainable Food" on the 23rd of February


The Founding Assembly was held in Šibenik, gathering the InnovaMare Partners, including OGS

Nave Laura Bassi in Baia delle balene (Mare di Ross - Antartide) – foto Scipinotti/Ferriani©PNRA

The Italian Icebreaker reached the southernmost point ever reached by a ship during the 38th Italian expedition of the National Antarctic Research Programme (PNRA)


OGS is one of the partners of EMODnet, the network of organisations supported by the EU’s integrated maritime policy

Sismogramma Asain 25 gennaio 2023

I segnali sismici determinati dalla rottura della Piattaforma di Brunt sono stati registrati anche dagli strumenti della stazione BELA

master blue growth

The master course by OGS and University of Trieste is the best choice to become a Blue Economy expert, according to the web platform Blue Jobs

Laura Bassi e MzS

Almost two weeks into the campaign, the icebreaker docks at the Italian base in Antarctica


A new instruments was bought from OGS thanks to a PON project funding and is now available to the scientifc team of the project IPANEMA to explore shallow and deep seawater environments

Laura Bassi in antartide phScipinotti pnra

The Italian oceanographic vessel is taking part in the 38th campaign of the National Antarctic Research Programme (PNRA) and will be in the Ross Sea for two months to carry out two research campaigns as part of 8 PNRA projects