Cosimo Solidoro

Cosimo Solidoro


Sezione di Oceanografia


Oceanographer and marine ecologist, currently director of the Oceanography department, professor of 'Ocean Models and Data Analyitic' at the University of Trieste, member of the PhD school in Life Science (Trieste) and of the national PhD school on Earth Observations (Rome Sapienza), president of the International Society of Ecological Modelling - European Chapter, Italian National Representative of IGBP program Integrating Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecological Research, IMBER, member of the European Marine Board, of the executive board of the European consortium Euromarine, and of several advisory boards and committees for Italian ministry of research and regional authorities. Scientific Consultant for International Centre for Theoretical Physic ICTP.

Research activity focuses mainly on coastal areas, lagoons, and open sea ecosystems, ranging from the impacts of climate change, anthropogenic forcing, and natural phenomena on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning  to quantitative approaches to sustainabilities, complex system theory, and integrated ecological-socio-economical systems.

Former coordinator of national (e.g. ICCC, SOSTEMITS, ACID.IT, CORILA313, VENEZIA2021) and international projects (e.g. SHAREMED, ECOMADR)
currently involved in the scientific or management boards of Extended Partnership RETURN (spoke leader), the National Center Future Biodiverity (acitvity leader), innovation ecosystem INEST, scientific infrastructure ITINERIS.

Prigogine junior medal 2006, and co-recipient of Denni medals 2008.
Member editorial board of Ecological Modelling, Ecological Informatics, Frontiers in Marine Science, Bulletin of Oceanography.
Published over 200 research papers, and has been. Lead author in the first IPBES assessment fo Europe and Central Asia.

Degree in Chemistry (Ca Foscari Univsristy, Venice) ; PhD Chemistry (Universities of Ferrara- Venice) 
postdoc positions at Milan Technical School (politecnico di Milano) and Ca Foscari University 
visiting scientist or research fellow at Berkeley University (1993), the International Institute for Applied System Analysis IIASA (1994),
the Danish Techinical University DTU (2008), the Plymouth Marine LAboratory PML (2012)


A list of selected former postdoc, phd or master students (now collaborators) includes:
Vinko Bandelj,  now researcher at OGS, Italy
Vittorio Brando,  now researcher at CSIRO, Australia
Stefano Ciavatta,  now researcher at PML, UK
Gianpiero Cossarini,  now researcher at OGS, Italy
Andrea Cucco,  now researcher at CNR, Italy
Tommaso Fortibuoni   now researcher at ISPRA, Italy
Giovanni Galli  now researcher at PML UK
Simone Libralato  now researcher at OGS Italy
Donata Melaku Canu  now researcher at OGS, Italy
Sebastiano Trevisani  now professor at IUAV, Italy
Ekin Alioglu,  now researcher at METU, Turkey
Andrea Cimatoribus, now postdoc in Losanne Switzerland
Arthur Capet,  now researcher in Liege, Belgium